Week of Events
North Pole Express
North Pole Express
All aboard the magical holiday-themed train ride to the North Pole! Families, come bundled up in your jammies and meet us at Prairie Crossing Train Station, where we'll stay warm with hot cocoa and cookies. The morning train will board at 11:48 AM, and the afternoon train will board at 3:48 PM. Once seated, we'll […]
North Pole Express
North Pole Express
All aboard the magical holiday-themed train ride to the North Pole! Families, come bundled up in your jammies and meet us at Prairie Crossing Train Station, where we'll stay warm with hot cocoa and cookies. The morning train will board at 11:48 AM, and the afternoon train will board at 3:48 PM. Once seated, we'll […]
Park District Board Meeting
Park District Board Meeting
The Committee of the Whole meetings are held prior to the Regular Meetings at 7:00 p.m. The Board of Park Commissioners Regular Board Meetings are held on the second and fourth Monday of the month as noted in the following schedule. Meetings are held at 7:30 p.m. at the Regent Center, 1200 Regent Drive, Mundelein, […]